There is a stick called stand the last watch

来源:   时间: 2023-12-04 15:48
  Comrade Rong Lijuan, retired former chairwoman of the Women's Federation of High-tech Zone, is specifically responsible for propaganda and ideological and cultural work, seven sides, and the creation of cities。While working in Gaoxin Street, he was in charge of community, rural, statistics, river chief system and fire safety。No matter in which post, engaged in what kind of work, she is doing a line of love, based on the position, conscientious, down-to-earth, the work wants to be in the front, in the front, forge ahead, willing to contribute, played a model leading role, in the high-tech zone development and construction of the torch cause to show the female style。
  In the more than 30 years since the construction of Jilin High-tech Zone, it is precisely because of a group of "old cattle" party members and cadres who love their jobs and are selfless and dedicated, that the "torch" cause symbolizing the development and construction of high-tech zone shines and passes on from generation to generation。
  Do not forget to come to the road, with the pace of measuring high-tech land
  At the beginning of the work of the river chief system, Comrade Rong Lijuan undertook this important task。She took the lead in determining the river jurisdiction area of the high-tech zone section, forming a grass-roots river long team, leading everyone to inspect the river situation, laying the foundation, establishing rules, strong norms, and frequent management, forming a complete governance system。He led us to visit the river more than 70 times, and carefully investigated and verified each problem。Led the solution of the two open-air swimming pools in the Songhua River High-tech Zone for many years, the remaining problems of rural land and illegal construction, and did a lot of basic work to beautify the natural environment along the river。
  Whether in the streets or the women's Federation, Comrade Rong Lijuan has always insisted on the work of the city, and she has almost walked the streets and alleys of the high-tech zone。Each time she came home, not only was she physically exhausted, but her legs and feet were often swollen, but she took a night off and immediately went to work the next day refreshed。In the back streets and alleys at the grassroots level, the main and secondary roads, and the communities have her figure, especially the organization of various communities to clean up the stacking of stairs is more colorful and orderly。From 2019 to 2020, she organized more than 200 centralized demolition work of various departments, making positive contributions to the creation of civilized cities in high-tech zones。
  Be honest and listen to the wishes of the masses with your ears
  As president of the Women's Federation,Ronglijuan comrade heart troubled women,Relevant training is organized every year,Including e-commerce, maternity, infant teacher, early education, child massage, elderly care, hospital nurse, institutional nursing, domestic staff, storage and finishing, nutritious meals, family care and other professional,Upgrade the employability skills of female workers,Contribute to promoting rural revitalization and achieving common prosperity。
  In the work of the Women's Federation, she shaped the "one place, one product" model, and the demonstration site of agricultural professional cooperatives with red trees half the sky, mainly straw weaving technology, weaving sofas, insoles and other handicrafts。At present, we cooperate with southern businesses to weave export women's bags, which radiates more than 1,000 women to start businesses and find employment。More than 30 straw-knitting training courses have been set up, and the orders are expected to reach 1 million yuan by the end of the year。
  At the end of 2021, Comrade Rong Lijuan was accidentally hit by a car accident on the way to work, and before she recovered from the injury, she organized the recruitment of community epidemic volunteers, guided various communities to recruit more than 8,000 volunteers, and won more than 200,000 yuan of provincial matching funds for volunteers。
  Do not fall down, with the heart to guard the last post
  In November 2023, Comrade Rong Lijuan faces honorable retirement。But she still stuck to her post, working overtime, fighting continuously。In the process of completing the stage key work of the whole region, she often worked overtime until the early morning to sort out materials and write reports, reported 39 boxes of high-quality materials 182 copies, and revised and completed special reports six times, and the relevant work was recognized and highly praised by all parties。At the same time, she is also actively involved in thematic education。He remained at his post until the last working day before his retirement。She said: in the face of work, she will always stick to it - persistence is her commitment to the torch cause。
  Looking back on the journey through, Comrade Rong Lijuan interprets the profound connotation of love and dedication and service dedication with her words and deeds。 

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